
Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is a legendary and cryptic creature often described as a large, ape-like being that is said to inhabit remote forests, mountains, and wilderness areas, primarily in North America. The creature's existence is based on numerous alleged sightings, footprints, and anecdotal accounts from various regions, primarily in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and Canada.

Key characteristics often attributed to Bigfoot include:

Size and Appearance: Bigfoot is typically described as a tall and robust creature, ranging from 6 to 10 feet in height and weighing several hundred pounds. It's said to have a human-like but very hairy appearance, with long arms and a stooped posture.

Footprints: One of the most famous pieces of evidence for Bigfoot's existence is the discovery of large, human-like footprints in remote areas. These tracks often show a distinctive pattern of a large foot with five toes, and they have fuelled speculation about the creature's size and gait.

Behaviour: Bigfoot is often depicted as a shy and reclusive creature, usually avoiding human contact. It's said to be nocturnal and elusive, making it difficult to capture on camera or encounter directly.

Cultural Impact: Bigfoot has become a significant part of North American folklore and popular culture. It has appeared in numerous books, documentaries, movies, TV shows, and even reality TV series dedicated to searching for evidence of its existence.

Scepticism and Hoaxes: Despite the many alleged sightings and reports, there is a considerable amount of scepticism among scientists, researchers, and the general public regarding the existence of Bigfoot. Many claims have been debunked as hoaxes or misinterpretations of natural phenomena.

Cryptozoology: Bigfoot falls under the field of cryptozoology, which is the study of creatures whose existence is unproven or disputed. Cryptozoologists investigate cryptids, which are animals or creatures that are rumoured to exist but lack concrete scientific evidence.

Scientific Approach: Some researchers have attempted to investigate the existence of Bigfoot using scientific methods, including DNA analysis of potential hair samples and footprint casts. However, conclusive evidence supporting the existence of the creature has not been found.

The debate over whether Bigfoot is a real, undiscovered creature or simply a product of myth, misidentification, and hoaxes continues to this day. While some people are passionate believers in the existence of Bigfoot, the scientific consensus remains that there is insufficient evidence to confirm its existence. The search for Bigfoot persists, with enthusiasts and researchers exploring remote areas in the hope of uncovering conclusive proof of its existence.

Tell me more about Cryptozoology creatures

Cryptozoology is the study of creatures whose existence has not been proven by mainstream science. These creatures are often referred to as "cryptids." Cryptozoologists investigate reports, folklore, and evidence to determine whether these creatures might actually exist. Here are a few notable examples of cryptids from cryptozoology:

Nessie (Loch Ness Monster): Nessie is perhaps one of the most famous cryptids. It's said to be a large aquatic creature that inhabits Loch Ness, a lake in Scotland. Sightings have described it as having a long neck and humps protruding from the water. Despite extensive searches, no conclusive evidence has been found to prove Nessie's existence.

Chupacabra: The chupacabra is a creature from Latin American folklore, particularly in Puerto Rico and Mexico. It's often described as a blood-sucking creature that attacks and kills livestock, leaving behind puncture wounds. Sightings have varied, and the chupacabra has been depicted as a reptilian or alien-like creature.

Mothman: The Mothman is a cryptid associated with the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia, USA. It's described as a winged humanoid with red eyes, often portrayed as a harbinger of disaster. The most famous incident involving the Mothman was the collapse of the Silver Bridge in 1967, leading to speculation that it might have been connected to the event.

Jersey Devil: The Jersey Devil is a legendary creature said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, USA. It's described as a horse-like creature with bat-like wings, a forked tail, and hooves. The legend dates back to the early 18th century, and there have been numerous alleged sightings over the years.

Yeti (Abominable Snowman): The Yeti is a creature from Himalayan folklore, often referred to as the "Abominable Snowman." It's said to be a large, ape-like being that roams the mountainous regions of Nepal and Tibet. Reports of the Yeti have included footprints and sightings at high altitudes.

Mokele-Mbembe: This cryptid is said to inhabit the swamps and jungles of the Congo Basin in Africa. Descriptions vary, but it's often depicted as a sauropod-like dinosaur that has survived into modern times. Expeditions have been conducted to search for evidence of Mokele-Mbembe's existence.

Thunderbird: The Thunderbird is a creature from Native American mythology, particularly among tribes in North America. It's described as a giant bird with the ability to create thunder and lightning. Reports have suggested that the Thunderbird could be a misinterpretation of large bird species or an extinct creature.

It's important to note that while these cryptids have captured the imagination of many and have led to numerous investigations, there is typically a lack of concrete scientific evidence supporting their existence. Cryptozoology exists in a gray area between science and folklore, and while some cryptids may be based on misidentifications or hoaxes, they continue to spark curiosity and debate.

Books on Bigfoot

There are several books that delve into the topic of Bigfoot (Sasquatch), offering a variety of perspectives ranging from scientific investigations to folklore and personal accounts. Here are some notable books on Bigfoot:

"Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science" by Jeff Meldrum: Written by a respected paleontologist and anthropologist, this book provides a scientific examination of the Bigfoot phenomenon. Meldrum explores the evidence, including footprints and potential primate behaviours, and offers insights into the possible existence of Bigfoot.

"Bigfoot!: The True Story of Apes in America" by Loren Coleman: Loren Coleman is a well-known cryptozoologist who has researched and written extensively about cryptids. In this book, he provides an overview of Bigfoot sightings and evidence, discussing the cultural impact and historical context surrounding the creature.

"The Hoopa Project: Bigfoot Encounters in California" by David Paulides: David Paulides is known for his work on missing persons cases in national parks, but he also explores the Bigfoot phenomenon in this book. He presents firsthand accounts of Bigfoot encounters from the Hupa reservation in California.

"Monsters of the Northwoods" by Paul Robert Walker: This book focuses on legends and sightings of strange creatures, including Bigfoot, in the Northwoods region of the United States. It's a comprehensive exploration of various cryptid reports and local folklore.

"The Making of Bigfoot: The Inside Story" by Greg Long: This book provides an in-depth look at the origins of the famous Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot footage, which is often cited as one of the most compelling pieces of evidence for Bigfoot's existence. The author delves into the history and personalities behind the film.

"Bigfoot Sasquatch: Evidence" by Dr. Grover S. Krantz: Dr. Krantz was a physical anthropologist who believed in the existence of Bigfoot. In this book, he examines the evidence, including footprint casts and alleged hair samples, and presents his arguments for why Bigfoot could be a real animal.

"Bigfoot: The Life and Times of a Legend" by Joshua Blu Buhs: This book takes a cultural and historical approach to the Bigfoot phenomenon. It explores how Bigfoot has evolved as a cultural icon and delves into the reasons behind people's fascination with the creature.

"North America's Great Ape: The Sasquatch" by John Bindernagel: Dr. John Bindernagel was a wildlife biologist who believed in the existence of Bigfoot. In this book, he presents his research and firsthand experiences, combining scientific analysis with personal anecdotes.

These books offer a range of perspectives on Bigfoot, from scientific investigations to cultural explorations. Whether you're interested in the evidence, folklore, or the people behind the investigations, these books provide valuable insights into the enduring mystery of Bigfoot.

Documentaries on Bigfoot

There have been numerous documentaries exploring the mystery of Bigfoot (Sasquatch) over the years. These documentaries cover a range of viewpoints, from scientific investigations to personal accounts and speculative theories. Here are some notable documentaries on Bigfoot:

"Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science": This documentary is based on the book of the same name by Jeff Meldrum. It presents the scientific perspective on Bigfoot, examining evidence such as footprints, potential habitats, and eyewitness testimonies.

"Finding Bigfoot": This is a TV series that aired on Animal Planet, featuring a team of researchers and enthusiasts who investigate reported Bigfoot sightings around the world. The show follows their expeditions and attempts to capture evidence.

"Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide": Produced by the History Channel, this documentary explores the history, evidence, and cultural impact of the Bigfoot phenomenon. It features interviews with experts, researchers, and witnesses.

"Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes": A found-footage-style horror film that follows a journalist and his team as they venture into the wilderness to investigate Bigfoot sightings. While fictional, it blends elements of documentary-style storytelling with horror.

"Sasquatch Odyssey: The Hunt for Bigfoot": This documentary provides a comprehensive overview of the Bigfoot legend, combining interviews with Bigfoot researchers, eyewitnesses, and experts in various fields to explore the phenomenon.

"Bigfootville": This documentary follows a Bigfoot enthusiast as he embarks on a journey to a remote area in Oklahoma that he believes is a hotspot for Bigfoot activity. It provides a personal perspective on the search for evidence.

"The Legend of Bigfoot": This 1976 documentary explores the folklore and history surrounding Bigfoot, combining interviews, reenactments, and analysis of evidence to provide an overview of the phenomenon.

"Discovering Bigfoot": This documentary features Todd Standing, a controversial figure in the Bigfoot community, who claims to have had numerous encounters with the creature. The film presents his alleged evidence and experiences.

"Bigfoot Lives": This documentary follows a filmmaker's journey as he interviews Bigfoot researchers, enthusiasts, and witnesses to gain insights into the phenomenon and its cultural significance.

"In Search of Monsters": This documentary series explores various cryptids, including Bigfoot, by investigating reported sightings and interviewing witnesses. Each episode delves into the history and evidence related to the creature.

Remember that while these documentaries can be informative and entertaining, they often reflect a variety of viewpoints and levels of scientific rigor. Some documentaries may focus more on entertainment and speculative theories, while others strive to provide a balanced look at the available evidence and research.

Websites on Bigfoot

If you're looking for more information about Bigfoot, there are several websites dedicated to the topic that provide a range of perspectives, news, research, and discussions. Here are some notable websites you might find interesting:

Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO): The BFRO is one of the most well-known and comprehensive resources for Bigfoot research. The website includes databases of reported sightings, footprint casts, audio recordings, and more. It also features detailed reports, analysis, and expedition information.


North American Bigfoot Center: This centre aims to educate the public about Bigfoot through exhibits, artifacts, and information. Their website includes news, articles, and resources related to Bigfoot research and sightings.


Cryptomundo: Cryptomundo is a blog that covers a wide range of cryptozoological topics, including Bigfoot. It features news, articles, interviews, and discussions about cryptids, with an emphasis on field research and investigations.


Sasquatch Chronicles: This website and podcast platform features eyewitness accounts and stories of encounters with Bigfoot. It offers a platform for people to share their experiences and discuss the phenomenon.


The Bigfoot Forums: This online community provides a space for Bigfoot enthusiasts, researchers, and sceptics to discuss the phenomenon. It's a platform for sharing stories, theories, evidence, and engaging in debates.


The Bigfoot Evidence Blog: This blog covers various aspects of the Bigfoot phenomenon, including reported sightings, evidence analysis, and discussions about the credibility of different claims.


Oregon Bigfoot: This website focuses on Bigfoot sightings and experiences in the state of Oregon. It includes reports, photos, and resources for those interested in learning more about Bigfoot in this region.


Bigfoot Buzz: Bigfoot Buzz provides news, stories, and articles related to Bigfoot sightings, encounters, and research. It covers a variety of topics and viewpoints.


Remember that the subject of Bigfoot can be divisive, with passionate believers, sceptics, and researchers sharing their viewpoints. When exploring these websites, it's important to approach the information critically and consider a variety of perspectives.